16-24? Trevor needs YOU!


I just received this from a colleague yesterday. He is facilitating the group and is a super guy! He’ll totally make it fun and worth while. Please help out if you can. There is little commitment but you will be making a BIG change! Also, please pass this on to anyone who might be interested. Thank you!! ~B

Please help The Trevor Project find youth dedicated to change who can join this Advisory Group for Transition Age Youth (16-24) to help fix issues in the mental health system in CA for our young people.  It’s a great way to have your voices heard in Sacramento and make a real, long lasting change for future generations of LGBTQ youth. 
The commitment is pretty minimal for a project.  We ask that applicants please:
(1)    Fill out the attached short application and submit it by this Friday
(2)    (Once accepted to group) Participate in three to four (that’s it!) 1-hr conference calls over the next few months to offer feedback and guidance
(3)    Send this opportunity around to other youth who are engaged and want to make a difference so they can apply by this Friday.  There is another group for people as young as 14 if you know any.
It’s a really great project and one that has the opportunity to change the face of being LGBTQ in California.  Please submit an application!



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