A special request from a community member

gfm-visaliaMy name is Georgia Robinson, and I’m a sixty-nine years old, disabled widow on a fixed (Social Security) income. I’m not writing this for me, though. I’m trying to come up with enough money to give my exhausted, stressed out care provider (my son) a few days away for his birthday.

I know that this might seem frivilous on the surface, but I’m begging you to please understand how much he needs to get away, and how much he deserves to.

I suffer from post-polio syndrome, as well as several other health problems. I’ve had over a half dozen cancer scares over the years. As my health has gotten worse and worse over these past twenty years, my son, Amos, has had to sacrifice more and more of his own life to take care of me. He can’t work outside the home anymore because of my needs. He has absolutely no social life anymore, much less a romantic life. He never goes out! He’s mentioned wanting to go back to school (to take some college classes), but my health and our finances make that impossible. I have someone who comes in through In-Home Supportive Services, but the State only allows about two hours every day, and this is while Amos is asleep. When the IHSS care provider is gone, and I need something, I ring this bell and Amos comes to help me. Some days are better than others, but I don’t think he’s gotten a full night sleep in years! 

Every morning, my son helps me out of bed, and into my wheelchair. sometimes he has to help me onto, and then off the toilet. He Sets up my shower for me, and helps me get in and out of it, too. Sometimes he has to help me get dressed, especially since the arthritis in my hands stop me from being able to fasten buttons, or tie my shoes. Amos cleans the house. He cooks for me. He takes me to the mall to exercise and so that I can socialize (I hate going to the Senior Center here! It’s so depressing!). I know he hates the mall, but he sits patiently, waiting until I’m ready to go. 

My son has given up one opportunity after another to take care of me. He use to love camping, but he hasn’t been able to go since right before his father died, back in 1994. He loves the beach, and he’s been invited by friends to go to the coast with them, but it’s the same thing there, too. The last time he went was a day trip, with me tagging along because no one was available to sit with me. That was about five years ago. It’s either we don’t have the money, or we can’t find anyone to sit with me while he’s gone. He even had the chance to go to England with a friend who was going to pay for everything, but he couldn’t do that either! His whole life is taking care of me. 

The only time Amos gets to get away is when he goes to San Francisco for his birthday. He tries to go on the last weekend of June. He’s been doing this for a few years now, missing a couple times. These four days are the only time he gets to himself all year! 

This year has been especially bad. My health is on the decline again. I just survived yet another health scare. A recent MRI showed growths on my liver and lungs, and an endoscopy revealed a cancerous polyp in my stomach. That routine procedure led to an emergency surgery, and a couple very frightening moments. More surgeries are pending. 

With all of this, my son really, really needs time away this year. We’ve been trying to save up the money, but we’ve had a couple financial disasters over the past few months, and as it stands the money just isn’t there. The friend of mine who has agreed to stay with me while Amos is away this year also told me about this, so I’m giving it a shot. I’m asking for help in raising three thousand dollars. I’m not sure how much he will need to get up there, and for a hotel room, and for food and what not. I’m guessing at the amount. He doesn’t drink, smoke, or use drugs, so none of these expenses apply. If you can help, please help. 

Thank you for reading this.

If you would like to help, please visit their “Go fund me” page.


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