February PFLAG Meeting


PFLAG Tulare and Kings Counties is a volunteer group of parents, family and friends of people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT). We welcome members of the GLBT community to our meetings and membership. We meet on the third Sunday of each month.

Location: Family HealthCare Network
305 East Center Street (Corner of Bridge Street)
(Use the courtyard entrance on Bridge. Pedestrian gate is in the alley.)
Next meeting:
Date: Sunday, February 20, 2011 3 – 5 pm

Mehmet McMillan, the Director of Wild Places, will be our guest speaker.

In 2001 Mehmet McMillan launched Wild Places Stewardship in the Southern Sierra, a 501(c)3 non-porfit volunteer-based effort whose mission is to restore and protect California’s wild and rural places and assist its peoples through volunteer-driven restoration projects, education, cultural identity, career development and advocacy. With WildPlaces’ team, Mr. McMillan coordinates, designs and implements “education through restoration” projects combined with youth experiential outdoor programs.  He supports the LGBTQ community and offers them this experience at no cost.

We look forward to welcoming him and everyone who attends!

~Refreshments provided~


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