Hope’s Weekly Update

Hope sent me the following update. We will be following her progress leading up to the ride. She still needs to raise almost $4000.00. Times are tough for some, but if you can spare anything, no matter how small, you would be helping her to be able to help so many others. Keep checking back for the latest news with Hope and her progress also, for various fundraising efforts we may have. Thank you!


Today’s Ride.  

Today is 2/3. I ran 4 miles and rode 16. A great start to what is to come , 545 miles (or 77 per day). I couldn’t have asked for better weather. It was in the mid-60’s and not even that bright since the clouds are starting to form.  

I must say; if any of you were outside around 12:00; hopefully you were able to take a few moments of pause to see the splendor of our Mountains just East of us. The wall was bold and most-defined. When studying, I could see crevices and depth shining the radiant snow , truly inspiring.  

My ride today included the trek along St. John’s Parkway trail. I noticed in the distance the number of make-shift camps that have been formed. I count more this year than last. It reminds me of the increased degree of hunger and destitution that is being realized around us. I look forward to ways I can help as I take a few moments; stop my bike, dismount, blow my whistle nestled beneath my sweatshirt and leave a bag of food. I hope someone from over there will come across the dried river-bed to retrieve it.   

Since my rides take easily an hour, I listen to my mp3 (iPod) which is full of songs dated from the sixties to current. I like a wide genre but I have to say that the music that endures with me most is the Beatles. However today the song that I enjoyed the most was Free Ride by Edgar Winter ( Your browser may not support display of this image.).  


  1. Would anyone like to join me on a ride or have bike rides they would like to share?
  2. Does anyone have a question they would like to ask or ideas on what I could share/topics?

Email me at [email protected].  

Thank you. Your Central Valley AIDS/Lifecycle Rider #4293.  

To donate now: www.tofighthiv.org/goto/Hope

The following is Hope’s song for the week, but unlike the song, her ride is not free. So dig in people and give what you can!! Thanks!



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