Local Progress within our School District



I’m happy to report that Visalia Unified School District has invited PFLAG of Tulare/Kings Counties to give an LGBT presentation on Wednesday, October 24th. I’m happier still that I have been invited to participate in the presentation and discussion as well. This is such a good step for all of our community; whether you are an LGBTQIA person attending school or an LGBT parent who has kids in the district. Only positivity can come from this wonderful opportunity. It also shows that our voices are starting to be heard and we ARE making a difference!


I would like to invite those of you who have children attending school to let me know any problems you have encountered. Let me know any questions or concerns you may have. This holds true if you are a student. Let us know what you are seeing in your schools, good or bad. I’m not sure what the evening will hold but I will do my best to try and speak for all of you and bring matters of importance to the table.


Thank you to VUSD for taking a great step forward and our local PFLAG for making the connection and being a loud supportive voice for our community. I’m happy to be a part of this opportunity and will report back to all of you how it goes!


You can email [email protected] your thoughts, concerns, experiences, etc.



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