PFLAG Tulare and Kings Counties is a volunteer group of parents, family and friends of people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT). We welcome members of the GLBT community to our meetings and membership. We meet on the third Sunday of each month.
Family HealthCare Network 305 East Center Street (Corner of Bridge Street) Visalia (Use the courtyard entrance on Bridge. Pedestrian gate is in the alley.)
Click here
Next meeting:
Sunday, March 18, 2012 3 – 5 pm
Important Information about the FAIR Education Act
We are fortunate in welcoming Ted Jackson who is a Statewide Community Organizer and a member of the CFLIC (California Foundation for Independent Living Centers) to present information to us about The FAIR (Fair, Accurate, Inclusive, Respectful) Education Act.
It is a common sense law that requires schools to integrate factual information about social movements, current events and history of people of color, People with Disabilities and LGBT people into existing social studies lessons. It also prevents schools from adopting instructional materials that discriminate. The FAIR Education Act calls for a multi-tiered interaction for implementation.
We will be discussing how folks can engage their local decision-makers to begin teaching Disability and LGBT History in the schools.
Join us for a most informative program and one that we need to know about for our community.
Refreshments will be served
PFLAG provides a safe and confidential space place to talk about sexual orientation and gender identity, and works to build a society that is healthy and respectful of human diversity.
There is no cost to attend, and membership is optional.
PFLAG Tulare and Kings Counties is a non-profit organization with 501(c)(3) status.