Stride with Pride

Stride with Pride

For Kids

Please help out this GREAT cause! It’s a chance for our LGBT community to come together and do something meaningful and helpful. They need volunteers, participants and most of all donations! Please help however you can and tell your friends! A small amount of help can make a HUGE difference! You can donate online or make "in person" donations to me. Thank you all for your support of this fabulous cause!

To learn more about the 4th annual event being held on June 19th, please read an excerpt from their website and visit it today!

"Stride with Pride for Kids is a non-profit organization. We were founded in 2006 to raise money for families with children in the PICU at Children’s Hospital Central California.

The Valley’s LGBTQ groups and organizations came together to host an annual WALK to raise money for the cause. Since we have started we have raised over $30,000."

Visit their website today, click HERE!


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