Charlize Theron & MITM
Rallying Behind Gay Marriage – Respond to this CALL TO ACTION to Meet in the Middle for Equality – spread the word.
Thank you to the Courage Campaign and Unite the Fight for making this possible.
Buzz Charlize to the Top – VOTE NOW!! 
SoCal – Orange County Protest!!!
Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Protest Today!
Don’t Let the Military Fire Dan Choi
PROTEST THURSDAY MAY 7 from 2:00 – 3:00
Can you spare one hour for a man who risked his life for 18 months in Iraq, and for the thousands of others who have to choose between living a lie and living a dream of defending our country?
Today Rachel Maddow revealed that previous guest Army National Guardsman Lt. Dan Choi, who came out publicly on her show, is the latest victim of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, having received a letter from the Army informing him that he is being kicked out of the military.

Tomorrow night, Dan Choi will be on the show again, this time discussing his dismissal from the military.
While the show is taping, OCEC, freinds, and allies will hold a peaceful protest in his honor, and in support of all of the lesbian and gay women and men who have served and continue to serve our country.
They have not let us down and we will not let down now.
Protest DADT. End Discrimination.
Support Honor. Celebrate Courage.
2 pm – 3 pm
Watson Bridge
(This is the bridge that connects UCI campus & the University Town Center)
Park near the Military Recruitment Center
4255 Campus Dr, Irvine
Bring Signs, Bring Friends
TEACH-In for Equality
REGISTER NOW!!!!! 2 days away!
Saturday, May 9th, 2009 | 9:30AM to 5PM
We would like to invite you to attend the "Teach In for Equality – Our Shared History" in West Hollywood on May 9th.
One of the primary goals of the Teach In for Equality is to instill a sense that all of us are part of a shared history of struggle, anguish and triumph. The Teach In for Equality is sponsored by the Equality Network, a grassroots organization for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) equality and justice, which was established after the passage of Prop 8.
The conference will begin with coffee/tea and registration from 9:30 AM on Saturday, May 9th and end at 5 PM. All conference sessions will be held in Fiesta Hall and the adjacent Community Center in Plummer Park in West Hollywood. View Map. There is LIMITED seating, so please register as soon as possible to guarantee yourself a place at this amazing event.
There is limited seating, so if you are interested, please register for the Teach In at If you’d like to attend the event, and can donate $10, please use our Registration page to donate and get your ticket at the same time. If you’re an organization or business hoping to partner with us for the event, please see our Sponsorship page.
We look forward to your participation in this historic event.
David Comfort
Co-Founder, Equality Network
The Equality Network is a nonprofit, grassroots advocacy organization that is committed to building a movement for non-violent action to achieve social and political justice and equality for gay, lesbian, transgendered, and bisexual people.
Equality Network
[email protected]
P.O. Box 692036, Los Angeles, CA 90069. ph +1.310.880.7791
While we eagerly await a court decision on whether California will recognize our relationships, our people are being tortured and murdered in Iraq.
In a story largely ignored by the media, death squads are rounding up Iraqi gay men, sealing their anuses with powerful glue, then inducing diarrhea, which leads to a painful and agonizing death.
The annihilation of our people, ordered by religious decree in a nation where our troops have sacrificed their lives to restore religious freedom, is appalling. In San Francisco , activists have protested. In Los Angeles, efforts are being taken to not remain silent while this happens.
Next Wednesday, May 13, the Los Angeles City Council will consider a resolution, sponsored by, Councilman Bill Rosendahl, putting the City of Los Angeles on record condemning this atrocity. A representative of the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission will be on hand to testify.
The council meeting will be held at 10 a.m., May 13, in the John Ferraro Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, Los Angeles City Hall, 200 N. Spring Street, Los Angeles, 90012.
If you live in the LA area we urge you to attend and to speak out. We need to draw attention to these crimes. If you do not live in the area, I urge you to plan a local effort of solidarity, to send the message to your community that these acts of violents are being used against our LGBT family and we must speak out!
If you plan on attending, please RSVP to Anataly DeJesus at [email protected] or 213-473-7011. Parking is going to try to be arranged.
Please help spread the word by forwarding this email.
For more information on what is happening in Iraq, please see the following links:
International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission
A huge thanks is offered to Mike Bonin and Los Angeles Councilman Bill Rosendahl for bringing more light to this VERY IMPORTANT, let’s put it in to perspective, message.
No matter what the CA Supreme Court decides, win or lose, we all know LGBTQ+ equality will not happen over night! As we have seen with the recent suicides of victims who have faced anti-gay bullying – equality is not only measured in rights, we must demand protective emotional and physical treatment, as well. |
Send a STRONG message to the Department of Defense
I am here to recruit you, please share this in a viral manner.
JOIN ME – Show Our Numbers to the Department of Defense
I recently opened a new non-profit and membership is and will always be free.
The purpose of this non profit is to achieve through education of the public and the Department of Defense (DOD) equality for its LGBT employees. As you know the DOD has the most heinous bigoted law of all: "Don’t Ask Don’t Tell" as well as the Defense of Marriage Act. We can motivate the DOD to do LGBT positive things by doing the right "Asks" and then pushing. We really can win this. Anybody that believes in LGBT equality can join.
In order to pull this off we need to have a large membership so that we will be taken seriously. All you have to do is go to and join. If you have a website please add this site as a link.
Lisa Kove
DOD FED GLOBE Executive Director
Help Central Valley Activist Pay for OUR Communities
STATEWIDE Reaction to Prop 8
Events like this don’t just happen. They take generous people like you reaching in to their pockets to help us off-set expenses like:
Buses – $6500
Sound – $6600
Stage – $1000
Tables & Chairs – $700
City & CHP – $2600
Tents – $1300
Banners – $1000
Porta Potties – $1600
Walkie-talkies – $300
Outreach – $2500
Please donate now to help us defray costs for Meet in the Middle 4 Equality. You can make a tax deductible contribution by making a check out to the:
"Martin Luther King Legacy Association" and note that it is for Meet in the Middle in the memo line. Mail checks to:
ATTENTION: Meet in the Middle for Equality, Martin Luther King Legacy Association 4182 S. Western Avenue, Los Angeles, California, 90062