Survey: LGBTQIA+ Older Adults in California

LGBT Community Network is thrilled to stand alongside the statewide coalition in studying the aging experiences of LGBTQ Californians. Their voices deserve to be heard, and together we’ll advocate for a tomorrow where every senior thrives. This is California’s first statewide survey documenting the needs, hopes and priorities of mid-life and older LGBTQIA+ residents across the state.

If you are 50 years and older, identify as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, and a California resident, please participate and take the survey.

Mid-life and older LGBTQIA+ Californians are part of a generation that faced extreme levels of stigma during their lifetimes as well as pride in a movement that asserted civil rights for LGBTQIA+ people of all ages. Despite the central role that LGBTQIA+ Californians play in California’s history and in communities across the state, no baseline data are available that describe their aging experiences. Some studies, such as a COVID-19 study of LGBTQIA+ older adults in San Francisco, suggest higher rates of isolation, depression and suicide ideation, all of which could be addressed with more responsive and accessible services. As CDA and others seek to learn more about the aging experience of all Californians in support of the California Master Plan on Aging (MPA) goals for equity and inclusion, it is crucial that the unique life experiences within LGBTQIA+ communities are visible and honored.

California’s survey of mid-life and older LGBTQIA+ residents will paint an up-to-date and comprehensive statewide portrait. To offer insights about the experiences of marginalized and underserved LGBTQIA+ communities, the survey team will oversample Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC), Hispanic/Latinx, and Asian Pacific Islander (API) communities, as well as rural and frontier communities. The survey data will form a first-ever baseline data set, which will be available to other researchers in an open-source format to encourage additional research and policy attention to the needs of mid-life and older LGBTQIA+ Californians.


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