Teens Suicide Note

I was doing some research for a speech I’m making and came across this note. I was wrapped up in it and fought back tears the whole way through. Our LGBTQI kids are facing real hard times despite of the strides we are making. This 16 year old who attempted suicide via pill overdose was a lucky survivor. As you read his note you will find it lengthy, full of grammatical errors and full of profanity. But it shows his honesty, how lost he feels and his true, utter hopelessness. He just can’t continue the way he is, it’s too much for him to take. I urge all of you to read this to feel what he was feeling, you will not be the same. I do caution that it is graphic.


If you or someone you know is struggling there are resources out there to help! You can call 1-866-4-U-TREVOR, this is an LGBTQ youth hotline. There are also local groups and organizations to turn to for help. Reach out for help if you are in need.


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