The battle in Maine

The following is what Maine is dealing with right now from NOM who’s posing as Standing for Marriage Maine. Get involved if you can, this is our Prop 8 happening there. We will be holding phone banks soon with the possibility to help in other ways. Contact me for more info. Thanks for sending this email out Brock.

NOM’s Email:

For many of us, this week marks the start of the new school year. So in honor of back-to-school season, let’s try a little pop quiz. Which of the following does not belong in the same group as the others:

(A)    History
(B)    Mathematics
(C)    English
(D)    Homosexual Marriage

If you guessed ”D” – you’re right! Mainers firmly believe homosexual instruction has no place in the classroom. Maine’s public schools should focus on reading and writing, not mandatory gay sex education.

There’s only one problem: an irresponsible piece of legislation known as LD1020. If allowed to take effect this law would throw to the trash heap our decades-old interest in promoting traditional marriage. It would legalize homosexual, genderless marriage. And if marriage is redefined to be genderless, then same-sex marriage must be taught as being the same as traditional marriage. This has profound consequences for your child’s classroom education.

We need your immediate contribution of $100 or even $50 to keep homosexual education out of Maine’s classrooms.

Just look at what’s already happened in nearby Massachusetts. An eighth-grade teacher in Boston told National Public Radio that she teaches about gay sex ”thoroughly and explicitly.” When asked if parents complained about their children learning such explicit material, this teacher said, "Give me a break. It’s legal now.".

It gets worse. Children as young as second graders have been taught in public schools that same-sex marriage and traditional marriage are simply different expressions of the same thing. Massachusetts schools have used books such as ”King and King” to instruct second graders about homosexual marriage. This is the story of how a prince married another prince and went on to rule the Kingdom. When parents objected to this instruction and sued, the federal courts ruled they had no right to notice or to pull their children out of class..

Is this what you want for your children? Do you want your hard earned tax dollars to fund ”explicit” homosexual instruction in the classroom? It doesn’t have to be this way.

You may have seen recent headlines about the remarkable 100,000 grassroots signatures in support of Question 1 – the People’s Veto of homosexual marriage. Hard work and dedication helped deliver these 100,000 signatures in support of putting the People’s Veto of LD1020 on the November ballot. In the next few weeks, we’ll need to build a sizable treasury to get the message out about this campaign. This is the fundamental issue of Question 1: if the People’s Veto fails, books like "Heather has Two Mommies" will become standard elementary school fare in Maine’s public schools.

We need your immediate contribution of $100 or even $50 to keep homosexual education out of Maine’s classrooms.

Make no mistake, if Question 1 fails and LD 1020 takes effect, there will be profound consequences for Maine families. Most troubling is the impact on children, particularly as the public schools begin the process of indoctrinating them on the subject of homosexual marriage. Help us prevent this from becoming a reality in this school year.


Marc Mutty
Stand For Marriage Maine

P.S. We are at a crucial point in the campaign as we need to make ad buys this week. So please make your generous contribution of $100 or even $50 to fund the People’s Veto today!


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