Tonights Rally=Great Turnout!

WOW! We had a really great turn out for the Eve of Justice Rally in Visalia (about 75-100?). I was once again renewed by seeing you all there tonight and PROUD to be your local website representative. A big thanks to Jamie Garza, the MEUSA organizer, for the tireless efforts she put into making this event happen with the help of her sponsors, co-sponsors and all others who contributed. Another big thanks goes out to all of you for being there to support one another and proving to everyone that we will not lie down in defeat. Each of you are in my thoughts as this epic day is now upon us. Peace be with you all. 

You can check out more photos from tonight on our myspace page:

If any of you would like to share your experience, story or feelings about the vigil, please email me [email protected]. We would love to hear from you and publish them for others to enjoy! For those of you who are shy, we can even do it anonymously.



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