We made the SF news!

About 40 of us headed up to San Francisco on Sunday to march the Golden Gate Bridge for marriage equality. We woke up dark and early to meet the van at 4:15 am. Someone overslept and had to drive like a mad woman to Fresno to catch up with everyone else, but we won’t name names (the Visalia organizer and van driver). Maybe they didn’t hear the alarm, maybe they accidentally shut it off, maybe it was the dogs fault or maybe there was a power surge at the exact moment my, I mean their, alarm was supposed to go off. YES, it was me darnit! It actually worked out for the better in the end but that didn’t stop everyone from giving me a bad time….. ALL DAY LONG!

It was a good day despite the 500 mile and hour winds on the bridge! The event had a pretty good turnout, I’m guessing 250? I’m sure nothing compared to DC. But we did have a call to the New York MEUSA chapter who were in DC, that was great to feel connected to everyone there. And despite the bridge police almost not letting us cross because we had to show proof of the permit, we went, we marched, we froze, we made a statement, we made the news….we made a difference. Thanks to everyone who went and sacrificed their sleep! Much respect to all.

If you watch the clip below from the SF news you will see (some of us very brifely) Myself, Ryan, Jason, Cammy, Melissa, Crystal, Abraham, Steven and Nate gave a quick interview. The Central Valley represented!


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