Unite the Fight!


UnitetheFight.org is a central hub of information and news about the LGBT movement, its fight for same-sex marriage and equality, including adoption rights. Read their statement below.

 Our Mission is to fight for the right to same-sex marriage and LGBT equality by helping us, the gay and straight communities, to:
1. Organize Ourselves into One Movement
2. Learn Our Opposition and Why They Move Against Us
3. Then Act On It!

Go check them out today and show them some love. I met them this weekend and they are simply fabulous humans. I must say in humor that myself and a new friend named Sarah, actually got beaten by them in a game of pool. We are breaking down barriers here people! Two gay guys beat a couple of lesbians at pool!!

Click on their logo at the top to visit their website. You can also check out their blog on Gay Visalia HERE.



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